Escuela de Motociclismo en Bay Area

Pacific Motorcycle Training

Somos una escuela de motociclismo donde nuestros alumnos aprenden los principios básicos del motociclismo y adquieren la confianza necesaria para manejar de forma segura. Ofrecemos clases de manejo de motocicleta y motoneta en seis sucursales: una en el centro de South San Francisco, Livermore, Salinas, San Bruno y Woodland. Nuestras sucursales son fáciles de encontrar y no tendrás problemas de estacionamiento.

Nuestro curso básico ha sido aprobado por el Programa de Seguridad para el Motociclista de California (CMSP), por lo que aquellos que se gradúan reciben el certificado DL389 requerido por el DMV para exentar el examen de manejo. Enseñamos lo último en técnicas de seguridad, prevención de accidentes, curveo, frenado, y cambio de velocidades.

IMPORTANTE: Nuestro curso básico es impartido en inglés. En caso de no hablar inglés, puedes contratar a un interprete siempre y cuando siga las instrucciones de seguridad establecidas por el curso y los instructores. En caso de requerir un intérprete, serás responsable de sus costos y coordinación. PMT no se hace responsable de conflictos en la agenda del curso, del estudiante y del intérprete.

Para Nuevos Motociclistas

Aprende los principios básicos de manejo en un ambiente controlado y seguro, y recibe el certificado requerido por el DMV para exentar tu examen de manejo. Nuestro amigable curso de manejo básico ha sido diseñado para personas sin experiencia en una motocicleta. Hasta, te prestamos el casco y la moto para que puedas aprender.

Para Motociclistas Experimentados

Conviértete en un mejor y más seguro motociclista usando tu propia moto durante nuestra Clínica de Motociclismo Intermedio. O lleva tus habilidades de curveo y evasión de accidentes al más alto nivel tomando nuestras Clínicas de Motociclismo Avanzado, enseñadas por los mejores instructores del Área de la Bahía.

"So handsome, so dashing"
― becky s
"Ken and Chris made the experience educating and fun. Craig made powerpoints in depth as well as entertaining, and Lisa was very sweet and encouraging. Thanks to all the instructors for keeping us safe."
― Prateek Verghese
"It's been three years since I have ridden the motorcycle. It was really fun and enjoyed it the most. It also helped me realize the mistakes I was doing and to correct those. Thanks Isaac and Edberg for keeping it well balanced with fun and learning. Highly recommend it even if you are not a new rider."
― Suriya Shankar
"This was the best class I have ever taken. The teachers were amazing, especially Craig. His guidance and teaching style was so approachable. So often teachers talk at you but not the case with this program. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!"
― Store 5234
"This place embodies people 1st mentality! Nothing except top tier instruction and training. This is the only place I would recommend that teaches the confidence, competence and skills you can use for a lifetime."
― Matt Yockey
"The instructors, Q, Steve, and Evie were very knowledgeable. They explained things well and kept everything on time. They were able to identify when I needed special instructions and pulled me out to coach me on proper techniques and gave me specific information that helped me improve."
― Joe Kepiro
"I really enjoyed this motorcycle course. I have been riding for over two years and would consider myself an intermediate rider. The teachers were fantastic - Wyatt and another guy but I can’t remember his name :/ they were clear, fun and knowledgeable, and the course was set out really well. I was thankful that we did similar drills/exercises over and over again to really impress it into our memory and get it right, and like I said, the teachers were excellent . When I signed up I wasn’t sure how I would like it, but I was thoroughly impressed and it exceeded my expectations. I would definitely recommend this course and will be looking into taking the more advanced courses in the future."
― Jessie Randolph (volatileskies)

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